Changes to Permitted Development Rights
Conversion of agricultural buildings to alternative uses such as to residential or commercial use can unlock substantial review for farmers.
It’s worthwhile considering whether you have any buildings you no longer wish to utilise for agriculture that could be put to another use; potentially creating a domestic property for rental or sale, or whether you wish to diversify with a commercial unit for a farm shop or business.
Changes in planning rules surrounding permitted development in England and Wales took effect on the 21st May 2024. Conversion of agricultural buildings to dwellings under Class Q and conversion of agricultural buildings to commercial use under Class R have been amended, along with increases to new agricultural buildings under Part 6 Class A.
Here are the key changes:
Class Q: Conversion of agricultural buildings to residential
Class Q rights enable a building to gain permission for conversion without having to go through the full planning permission process. It should be noted however that the existing structure should be structurally capable of conversion.
- Extension to include existing buildings which are no longer part of an established agricultural unit. This increases the potential to convert outlying buildings.
- Removal of the requirement for the building to have been solely used for agriculture, where it is part of an established agricultural unit.
- Clarity is given regard access; to be eligible buildings need to be accessed by an existing suitable access route to a public highway.
Changes to dwelling sizes and numbers:
- Permits the development of up to 10 residential dwellings with maximum cumulative floor area of 1000m2.
- There has been a reduction in the maximum floor area of any one dwelling to 150m2, this was previously permitted up to 465m2.
- New potential to include a single storey extension up to 4m wide, providing it is situated on an existing hard standing.
The transitional arrangements for Class Q will permit applications under the old Class Q requirements up until 20th May 2025.
Developments under Class Q need to be completed within 3 years of receiving prior approval.
Class R: Conversion of agricultural buildings to flexible commercial use
- Eligible conversions may be permitted into the following uses; general industrial, storage and distribution, commercial use, hotel. The new changes add sport and recreation to the list.
- The maximum floor area has been increased from 500m2 to 1000m2.
Developments under Class R need to have commenced within 3 years of receiving prior approval.
Part 6 Class A: Agricultural development on units of 5 hectares or more
The maximum size for agricultural buildings has been increased from 1000m2 to 1500m2.