Mid-tier application window now open

The application window for 2024 Countryside Stewardship Mid-tier agreements is now open. 

This year, the application window runs from 21st March 2023 to 18th August 2023, for agreements beginning on 1st January 2024. 

Mid-tier agreements consist of annual revenue payments, awarded for completing actions across your land, and capital payments, awarded for completing works such as fencing and walling. There are over 75 revenue options to choose from, meaning applicants can choose the option most suited to each individual field on their holding. 

Mid-tier agreements start on the 1st January of the following year and run for 5 years. Capital works included within the agreements must be completed within the first 3 years. 

In the past few months, both the revenue option and capital item payments were reviewed and increased to reflect the costs inputted by farmers who choose to take part in the scheme. These payments can provide valuable income in lieu of the dwindling Basic Payment Scheme payments. 

If you would like more detail on how the Mid-tier scheme could work for your farm, please contact Rebecca at

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