Countryside Stewardship Capital Grants Scheme

Forming part of the Countryside Stewardship Scheme, Capital only grants allow farmers and land owners to enter into a 2-year scheme to complete capital works across their holdings.

Work can be completed in three areas: boundaries, trees and orchards; water quality; and air quality, to deliver specific environmental benefits. There are 67 capital items available, including but not limited to; walling, fencing, gates, livestock troughs, hedgerow laying, concreting and roofing.

The items are split into the three categories listed above, with each one having a £20,000 limit, totalling a maximum grant available of £60,000. There is no minimum grant amount, so the scheme allows for both small and large projects. Funding is paid in arrears, upon submission of suitable evidence that works have been completed to the specified standards.

The scheme is widely accessible, as applications are currently open year round, with rolling start dates dependent on month of acceptance. Capital Grant Schemes can run alongside other Environmental Schemes, subject to some conditions, and any land in England which you have management control for 5 years from the agreement start date is eligible, including those managed by tenants.

Some of the most popular capital items and their respective payments are listed below:


– FG2: Sheep Netting
– BN12: Stone Wall restoration
– BN13: Stone- wall top wiring
– BN11: Planting new hedges
– RP28: Roofing (slurry/manure store, silage stores & more)
– RP15: Concrete yard renewal

Payment Rate

– FG2: £4.90/m
– BN12: £25/m
– BN13: £3.60/m
– BN11: £11.60/m
– RP28: £62/m2
– RP15: £27.14/m2

To see the full list of capital items available through this scheme alongside their respective payment rates, click here.

See the photos below for examples of how some of our clients have used the Capital Grant Scheme to complete work on their land. 

FG2: Sheep Netting

BN12: Stone Wall Restoration

BN13: Top-wiring – Stone Wall

Capital grant schemes are proving extremely popular ahead of Countryside Stewardship scheme applications ending in 2023. If you are interested in entering into a Capital Grant agreement, please contact us using the details below to discuss. 

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